Allsidig Lunsjsalat

Dette er en av Coach Daniels go-to lunsjer! Enkel, rask og allsidig! Nedenfor er forslag til ingredienser, men med denne kan du bruke det du har i kjøleskapet!


  • Ønsket bladsalat
  • Agurk
  • Spirer (f.eks. alfaalfa)
  • Fersk fetaost
  • En håndfull frø eller kuttede nøtter
  • Rødbeter
  • Brokkoli og blomkål, bakt (kutt og bak i ovenen på 200 grader i cirka 20min.)
  • Ønsket proteinkilde (laks, kylling, egg etc.)


  1. Start med å lage din base av bladsalat, agurk, spirer, fetaost, frø, røbet
  2. Legg til ønsket proteinkilde (f.eks: fisk, kylling)
  3. Fyll på med ønsket mengde bakte grønnsaker


Personal training

Real results, faster. Work with one of our expert coaches to fast-track your results and receive the personalized attention that you deserve.

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Why invest in personal training?

Personalized instruction means that every second of your gym time is devoted to meeting your needs. Your personal coach can help you build a specific skill set, strengthen weak areas, gain a competitive edge in your sport, and stay motivated to reach your goals.

A flexible schedule

Train on your own time with the coach of your choosing. Our coaches work around your schedule, not the other way around.

Set goals

Whether or not you have goals already, your coach can help you make them concrete and achievable. Our coaches can lay out a plan to meet your targets in the time you want.

Personalized attention

With a personal coach, the focus is 100% on you! You’ll get 1-on-1 attention to ensure you meet your goals.

Lasting results

Not only will your coach help you transform your health, but they’ll teach you how to maintain those results.

Start Here

Book a free intro today so we can learn all about you, your goals and how we can help you reach them
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